Every School Benefits.
Every student wins.
the April 8th Kansas city School Bond
Kansas City Public Schools and its charter partners NEed investment
The first bond Measure
since 1967
The only school district in the region without bond funding
Over $1 billion in deferred maintenance and renovation needs
A plan to support our community
Improve over 40 schools to address deferred maintenance and urgent facility needs
Enhance security for a safer environment
Enhance spaces for better learning, including special education spaces
Improvements for our students
More science labs + tools to expand opportunities
Improved facilities and classrooms to support learning and safety
Promoting the health of our children
A message from Superintendent of Kansas City Public Schools,
Dr. Jennifer Collier
On November 20, 2024, the Kansas City Public Schools Board of Directors unanimously approved Bond Ballot Language and 10-Year Capital Plan recommendations.
This General Obligation (GO) Bond will go to voters on April 8, 2025 and aims to transform school facilities districtwide. The initiative includes constructing new schools, enhancing safety measures, and upgrading learning environments to meet modern educational needs.
The recommendations for facility improvements are grounded in feedback from students, families, staff, and community members gathered through a comprehensive facilities assessment and engagement process.
This proposal reflects KCPS's commitment to creating equitable, safe, and high-quality learning spaces for all students while aligning with the district's long–term strategic Blueprint 2030 plan.
Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to build the future of KCPS!